Meet Anne Harper (official bio)


Anne Harper writes romantic comedy that embodies the shenanigans of an I Love Lucy episode and the awkwardness of saying “you too” after the waiter tells you to enjoy your meal. She lives in South Alabama with her husband, their four cats, and a humidity that threatens to destroy them all. Anne is an advocate for coffee, selfies, and adoption from foster care. When she isn’t dreaming about meeting her future kiddos, she’s getting herself into wild situations and hilarious misunderstandings. #ItsFine

Anne is represented by Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.

Meet Anne Harper again (longer official bio)


Anne hails from small-town Alabama where she lives less than five minutes from her childhood best friend, on the same neighborhood as her dad, and just around the corner from her favorite coffee shop. Her housemates include her husband, their four cats, and their (hopefully soon!) adopted children.

She has a B.S. degree in Design, Technology, & Industry with a creative writing minor and used that after college to become a freelance social media strategist. She was also editor in chief of her university’s newspaper, The Tropolitan, during college where she learned to appreciate the power of caffeine. When she’s not writing romance that make people go #OMG and #SAME she’s reading from her extensive home library, scrolling through Facebook and Pinterest, and playing video games.

Her special skills include binge-watching entire series within days, cat herding, and singing It’s The End of the World by R.E.M. on the treadmill.

Anne is deeply in love with her Peloton bike and if you asked her what the one item she’d bring to a deserted island is she’d Google where to buy a suitcase large enough for Kurt Russell.

Interested in her other genres? Check them out here.

Three Fun Facts

One reason why Anne writes under a pen name is because her husband has the same first (and now) last name as her! Not only does it make general life confusing but it made writing confusing too! So now he’s just Tyler and she can write romantic comedy and contemporary romance as just Anne!


Anne loves many a thing but has a giant-sized love for all things Jurassic Park (the original trilogy). So much so she walked down the aisle at her third wedding (see next fun fact for more on that) to the orchestra version of the Jurassic Park theme! There was also a 9-foot inflatable T-Rex in attendance!


Anne has had three weddings to the same man! They were officially married on their back porch in secret, had a surprise ceremony at their rehearsal dinner for close family and friends (she danced down the aisle to Brick House with her dad, pic below!), and then had the public wedding/reception the next day!
